Diablo 4 Beta: Will Progress & Characters Carry Over To The Full Game

Diablo 4 Beta: Will Progress & Characters Carry Over To The Full Game


Beta is a fun time to D4 items experience the game and build anticipation for the full launch, but what will happen to those level 25 characters after Beta?

Diablo 4 just had its Early Access weekend and will be in Open Beta from March 24 to the 26, which means players are enjoying leveling characters and seeing what the game has to offer so far, while also wondering if beta progress will transfer to the full game. The Open Beta period allows players to experience the Prologue and Act 1 in the game and reach up to level 25 with any of the character classes. The full zone of Fractured Peaks, the first zone of the game, will be open for players to explore while fighting off hordes of demons and world-bosses.

The Open Beta for Diablo 4 will only be available for one weekend, but it not only gives developers feedback on issues that might occur but also allows players to see what questlines and lore can be unraveled, as well as experimenting with character classes. Leveling a character to 25 and completing Act 1 is not an insignificant amount of Diablo IV items  progress, however. Therefore, many may have hoped that these characters and progress from the beta could transfer to the full game after Diablo 4 releases in June.