Quick Infusion

Quick Infusion with n2o charger and cream dispenser


To add another ingredient to a liquid, a variety of procedures might be utilized. The conventional hot infusion method, the conventional cold infusion method, the high-pressure quick infusion method using a whipped cream dispenser, the low-temperature infusion method using sous vide, and the vacuum chamber infusion method are all available.


All of these methods entail mixing a solid substance with a liquid to impart flavor and scent. The method, substance, and liquid you use will determine how long it takes and how well the outcome turns out.


For instance, the conventional cold infusion method is typically used to infuse alcohol with lemon peel, however other liquids may also be utilized. The length of time required for cold infusion to take effect is a problem. A cold infusion's effects may not be felt for weeks or even months.


The conventional hot infusion method is faster. In reality, infusion can be completed quickly because molecules travel more quickly at higher temperatures. The issue with hot infusion is that the delicate flavors and fragrances are typically destroyed and lose their intensity because you are infusing these ingredients with heat in such a brief period of time.

Although using a vacuum chamber for infusion is efficient, the cost of the equipment is high, and the process can still take a while.


As opposed to the conventional cold method, using low-temperature infusion with sous vide preserves the flavors and smells by applying regulated heat. However, sous vide equipment continue to start at $300 and can take up to a few hours to produce the ideal infusion results.


This takes us to the subject of our conversation today. Using a whipped cream dispenser is one of the newest and most efficient methods for quick infusion. In contrast to the hours, days, or even weeks it can take using other procedures, this method allows you to infuse liquors, oils, syrups, and other liquids in just a few short seconds. A Rotass cream dispenser can be purchased at factory price. You may be certain that the delicate flavors and smells of any solid product you use are retained because there is no heat involved. By adjusting the amount of time you let it sit, you can also change how potent the flavors are infused to achieve the ideal effects.


Using a Rotass whipped cream dispenser is a no-brainer due to its inexpensive cost, convenience, and time savings. It's understandable why this method has become so well-liked and fashionable among homeowners, pubs, and eateries worldwide.

Given that the holidays are quickly approaching, infused liquors, oils, and syrups make wonderful presents.

The Rotass Whipped Cream Dispenser's instant infusion instructions are as follows:

Put the liquid-containing solid ingredient in the dispenser and tighten the dispenser head screw.

Utilize a 1 n20 charger to charge your whipper (the same way as when you make whip cream). This is where you will play around with time to get your desired results. Waiting 1 minute before releasing the gas is a recommended place to start. Increase or decrease time accordingly. Keep in mind any cold ingredient will have a weaker infusion.


By swiftly pressing the lever and "swirling" the dispenser while keeping it upright, you can relieve the pressure. (cup the nozzle to prevent any liquid from escaping while the dispenser is upright)

Enjoy the infused beverage after straining!