Welcome to downtime in Final Fantasy XIV. That period after a major patch, where you’ve completed the primary patch cont

Welcome to downtime in Final Fantasy XIV. That period after a major patch, where you’ve completed the primary patch content and brought your Warrior of Light to the current zenith. With the current main scenario milestone complete, what else is there left for you to do?

For some


Let’s return to the lands of Heavensward as we look at another FFXIV Gil Tribal Quest set in FFXIV: the Vath. This combat-oriented questline (formerly known as Beast Tribe quests before the Endwalker expansion) takes players to the chocobo fields of the Dravanian Forelands. This is where you can help the Vath. Specifically, there’s a tribe of the little beetle dudes that has separated from their species’ usual hive mind and now wants to strike out on its own. They would like the help of a seasoned adventurer to get them started. That’s you, by the way. So, let’s look at how to unlock the Vath tribe in FFXIV and check their vendor stock!

This particular questline is available to combat jobs Level 50 and above. That includes Blue Mage, for the record. You can then complete up to three quests for the Vath per day — leveling up in Reputation with the tribe until you reach “Bloodsworn” at the eighth rank. You can check this rank under the “Reputation” tab of your Character menu at any time. The other Tribal Quest ranks are listed there as well.

Last but not least, you must also complete the Level 53 Main Scenario Quest “Lord of the Hive,” which is part of the Heavensward storyline. After which you can speak to the Vath Storyteller in the Dravania – The Dravanian Forelands (X:24.0, Y:19.7). They will set you up with the quest “The Naming of Vath.” After which point you will gain access to daily, repeatable quests. Just like all the other Tribal Quests in FFXIV!

Let’s still take a look at all of the quest locations for future reference. Each of these become available as you reach different Reputation levels. Unless otherwise noted, every quest is offered by Vath Deftarm in The Dravanian Forelands (X: 23.6, Y: 19.1):

“The Naming of Vath” (Level 50): Starting Quest.

“Adventurers Don’t Get Cold Feet” (Level 50): Available at Maximum Friendly Reputation.

“An Acquired Taste” (Level 50): Available at Maximum Trusted Reputation.

“Your Enemy and Mine” (Level 50): Available at Maximum Respected Reputation.

“Resistance is Futile” (Level 50): Available at Maximum Honored Reputation.

“A Symbolic Friendship” (Level 50): Available at Maximum Sworn Reputation; completes the Vath questline.

Just like most other Tribal Quests, you will receive three daily Final Fantasy XIV Gil quests to complete every 24 hours. Most require you to simply go to a place, kill an enemy, use a special mount to interact with an object, or collect something. Pick up all three dailies at once and you can knock them out in roughly 10 minutes. However, you only get 12 total Tribal Quest “allowances” per day to use across all the different tribes in FFXIV. Note that you can always check your total remaining number of allowances from the “Timers” section on the Duty menu. You’ll find them near the bottom of the screen.