Mastering RuneScape Dinosaur Farming and OSRS Gold

While this feature is currently exclusive to RuneScape, the future might bring it to Old School RuneScape if player demand rises.


In the world of RuneScape, there's a feature that sets it apart from Old School RuneScape: Dinosaur Farming. While this feature is currently exclusive to RuneScape, the future might bring it to Old School RuneScape if player demand rises. This feature could potentially become a source of OSRS Gold, as it offers various valuable materials. If you'd rather not spend time earning OSRS GP, you can purchase Cheap OSRS Gold at

Now, let's dive into everything you need to know about raising these adorably terrifying creatures on your very own farm!

Getting Started with Dinosaur Farming

Your Dinosaur Farm is located in Anachronia, aptly named "the Land out of Time." You can access this location through the mystical tree at Manor Farm or on the west coast of the island. It's important to note that your character should have at least level 42 Farming to take care of these animals.

Farm Construction

Prehistoric Potterington, who might remind you of Granny Potterington's great-grandmother, will assist you in setting up paddocks for your animals. However, building these paddocks requires Construction levels ranging from 45 to 90, so be sure to level up before you embark on this endeavor. It's worth mentioning that these pens use resources from around the island for construction, instead of the usual planks and nails.

Livestock Mechanics

Before you can build new pens, you'll need to acquire a Pen Deed, which can be obtained from the Farmer's Market. As mentioned earlier, you'll need to gather materials from around the island to accomplish this task. You can establish up to five pens, including two large pens, one medium pen, one small pen, and a breeding pen. It's essential to understand that you can't mix different types of animals in the same pen, and the size of the pen must match the size of the animal. The game won't allow you to place small-sized animals in large pens, ensuring compatibility for a

productive dinosaur farm.

These animals can be obtained through Slayer and Hunter skills, the Big Game Hunter activity, or the Farmer's Market. While you can trade with other players for animals, they cannot be placed on the Grand Exchange. Additionally, Irwinsson offers random unchecked dinosaur eggs for 80 hunter marks.

Feeding, Growth, and Breeding

Each pen has troughs that can be filled with an animal's favorite food. Troughs can hold up to 1,000 units of food. The appropriate food is listed in their info, and each animal consumes one unit of food every hour. If there are two animals in the pen, two units of food will be used every hour. Whether your food source is economical or not, the consumption remains the same, so opting for cost-efficient alternatives is recommended, unless you have an ample budget to spare. For animals with hard-to-find food types, try to have the Immune and Joyful traits on them. These traits keep your livestock happy and healthy without the constant need to fill their bellies.

Once you place your animals in their respective pens, they will begin to grow exponentially. The growth process consists of five stages: egg, child, adolescent, adult, and elder. Unlike plant farming, animal produce doesn't restock. However, you can harvest products at every growth stage, ensuring returns on your investment without long waiting periods.

As your animals grow, they will reproduce, signaled by a message that reads, "The animals in your breeding pen have given birth to a healthy child." It's important to note that the child won't mature until your next visit to the farm after receiving this message, so don't get overly excited.

Reproduction can also occur outside the breeding pen, but at a slower rate. Animals may breed within variants but not with different breeds. For instance, Jadinkos are all considered part of the same species, so this restriction doesn't apply to them. The "Like Rabbits" perk from Manor Farm also carries over to this farm.

Totem Perks

If you purchase a totem from the Farmer's Market and place it on a pen (excluding the breeding pen) with an elder animal, certain perks will activate. When you have two elders of the same species in two different pens with totems, it enhances the perks' effects. Therefore, enhanced perks can only occur in large pens. If you aim for substantial returns on your investment, focus on this aspect.

Selling Animals

Just like Manor Farm animals, you can sell these animals for beans. The selling process and pricing are similar. The only difference lies in the presence of specific buyers on your Dino Farm. There are always three of them in the area. One buys small animals, the second medium-sized ones, and the third deals with large animals. You can switch them by talking to Prehistoric Potterington and selecting "Contract Options" from the menu. However, if you make changes, the new options won't appear until after 24 hours, so exercise patience when altering your choices.

Create Your Ranch Out of Time Now!

Farming dinosaurs has never been easier! So, what are you waiting for? The time to establish your dinosaur farm is now. While it might require more hands-on involvement than trying to Buy OSRS GP, the reward is raising dinosaurs! How cool is that?

Enjoy RuneScape dinosaur farming! Whether it's for the thrill of it or the pursuit of OSRS Gold, this is an exciting experience that offers a unique twist to your RuneScape adventures. It allows you to connect with the prehistoric world and take on the role of a dinosaur farmer. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, the world of dinosaur farming is open for exploration.

In conclusion, RuneScape's Dinosaur Farming is a captivating addition to the game, providing players with a distinctive opportunity to engage with these ancient creatures. The possibility of obtaining OSRS Gold from this endeavor makes it even more enticing. So, don't hesitate any longer—dive into the world of dinosaur farming and embark on an adventure that's as thrilling as it is rewarding. Whether you're driven by the pursuit of riches or simply the desire to nurture your own dinosaurs, this unique aspect of RuneScape promises a memorable experience. Enjoy the journey, and may your Dinosaur Farm thrive!