Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Geophysical Equipment.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Geophysical Equipment.


Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Geophysical Equipment.
The search for hidden objects is a popular activity in almost all sectors of the national economy. Quality control of various products and structures, study of the geological section, search for hidden objects (boulders, engineering networks and communications, buried foundations, etc.), survey of water areas, exploration of mineral deposits – this is not a complete list of tasks that require subsurface study of the environment.
GEOTECH provides GPR equipment: ground penetrating radar , seismographs, electrical exploration instruments, security detectors, search and rescue system.
Even today, destructive methods are often used to solve these problems – drilling wells with subsequent sampling (for testing in laboratory conditions), destruction of finished structures for the purpose of sampling materials or inspection of hidden works.
These methods cause damage to various structures, therefore their use is limited, as a result of which it is sometimes necessary to make a conclusion about the quality of finished products and structures on the basis of calculated or indirect indicators (weight, volume, integrity of external surfaces, hardening rate, shrinkage, etc.). Also, destructive methods are expensive, for example, drilling wells, sampling soil samples with their subsequent analysis in the laboratory is quite expensive, especially when examining linear structures and large construction sites.
To solve such problems, non-destructive methods and technologies are constantly being introduced in various sectors of the national economy. Thus, ultrasonic flaw detectors and diagnostic equipment are used to control the quality of welded seams of metal structures and to inspect railway tracks. In the exploration of large deposits, such geophysical methods as seismic exploration, gravimetry, well logging, thermometry and others are used. But the most versatile and multitasking method of subsurface sounding is georadiolocation.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Geophysical Equipment